Engineering sustainable opportunities in technology within Bosnia & Herzegovina


Our Mission

Srpska Tech is a UK based registered charity operating in the Republika Srpska, Bosnia & Herzegovina which provides opportunities to individuals through university education in computer science and related engineering disciplines, enabling a sustainable future with a career in tech.

Some statistics within the Republika Srpska*:

  • 53% of Women are unemployed.
  • 45% of companies report a shortage for people with expertise and skill required by a job.
  • 81% of job hires are through contacts and acquaintances.
  • People in Banja Luka (the administrative capital of Srpska) with an average salary can afford 45% less when purchasing goods and services compared to UK residents (Local Purchasing Power).**

The Problem:

With low wages (average monthly salary of €580***) and high unemployment rate, young people are priced out of access to higher education with University fees costing €4000+ over four years. If young people do not receive a scholarship, it is unlikely they can attend and study - which is a requirement for the majority of employers and perpetuates the challenges above.

We believe:

  • everyone has a right to education.
  • Software and Technology are a global marketplace filled with opportunity which can be accessed anywhere in the world.
  • an education within Software Engineering can fasttrack you and open doors to a sustainable future.
  • Srpska Tech should be run as a lean charity. 100% of donations made fund opportunities in the region, which today are University scholarships.

What we do:

Partnering with existing structures and institutions, we target the simplest steps possible with the highest probable outcomes for sustainable futures that can be owed by individuals.

Srpska Tech creates opportunities for young people to start a career in technology by providing University scholarships to those who would not otherwise get the chance.

* Statistics from Public Institution Employment Service of the Republika Srpska, funded by the European Commission
** numbeo cost of living ranking
*** Republic Institute of Statistics of the Republic of Srpska


Meet the students we sponsor





our partners

We have partnered with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FEE), the oldest faculty at the University of Banja Luka, striving for excellence in the field of higher education since 1962.

Srpska Tech assessed institutions in the region against a set of criteria measuring the quality of courses against that of known and comparable Universities in the United Kingdom; the faculty at the University of Banja Luka stood out with their course in Software Engineering which includes international language modules.

Their dean, Professor Zoran Djuric, is on a similar mission partnering with local businesses to enhance university facilities and have jobs lined up for students when they graduate.

With the rigorous training students receive, which is proven from the number of International Computing contests they regularly compete in and English Language classes offered, students are well prepared for a future in Software where they can work anywhere in the world - which could be their home region.

Faculty Logo


Srpska Tech is made up of UK based Trustees and the Faculty Of Electrical Engineering at the University Of Banja Luka

Adam Dewberry

Trustee, UK

Georgina Shute

Trustee, UK

Zoran Djuric

Dean, Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Jovica Bulović

Coordinator For International Cooperation, Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Contact Us

To get in touch, please use the form below